All woven bookmarks in our collection are made on hand looms by Russian craftswomen.
Lace bookmarks, thin and delicate, are very handy and keep their shape perfectly due to their close texture.
- thin one-layered birch bark that is velvety and soft to the touch,
- two-layered birch bark that is remarkable for its lasting quality.
Soft hand-embroidered bookmarks create an atmosphere of peace and quiet.
It is believed that in order to tell whether an embroidered article is handmade or machine-made you have only to hold your hand, palm down, over it. If you feel it is warm, it is the good energy of the skilful embroiderer’s hands radiating from this handicraft.
Embroidered in gold bookmarks are made by hand in the Gospel bookmark tradition. They are throw-over satin ribbons with insets of embroidered velvet and passementerie. These bookmarks are intended for books read at the desk and stored horizontally. The embroidered edge of a bookmark sticks out to marvel your eyes.
Very elegant beadwork bookmarks can be custom-made to suit your own requirements.