The world of traditional folk painting is mostly based on fairy tales or idealized interpretations of everyday life. The integrity and originality of the folk artworks result from a harmonious combination of artistic imagery and specific methods of material processing. When designing a series of bookmarks based on the style of Russian folk painting we decided to make separate description of displayed images and the traditional materials and methods. Our aim was to demonstrate the diversity of stylistic techniques, manners, compositions, subjects, and ornamental features peculiar to decorative art as practiced in various regions of Russia.

Lubok popular artLubok popular art

A series of hand-painted bookmarks in the lubok art tradition.



The bookmarks reproduce patterns copied from painted tiles manufactured in St. Petersburg brickworks during the early eighteenth century.


Gorodets paintingGorodets painting

Picturesque hand-painted bookmarks with traditional Gorodets subjects.


The Volkhov style of paintingThe Volkhov style of painting

Colourful bookmarks hand-painted with sumptuous Volkhov-style blossoms.


Khokhloma Painted MotifsKhokhloma Painted Motifs

We offer an incredible variety of colourful bookmarks hand-painted with Khokhloma-style plant and floral designs.



Bright hand-painted bookmarks in the original Gzhel style.



Our phones:

+7 (812) 493-2744

+7 (812) 273-5388

                  «Nevsky znak» Limited Company
                  Zhukovskogo str., 3, office 207,
                  St. Petersburg, Russia



© 2008 Limited Company "Nevsky znak"      

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